Webinar: 7 Touchpoints for the Digital Donor

This webinar will be led by Melanie Campbell.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (EDT)
This event will be held via Zoom
Category: Webinar

Most fundraisers have heard about the Rule of 7. Many fundraising plans were built around the idea that we should thank a donor 7 times before we ask for another gift. These touchpoints are equally beneficial for prospective donors or volunteer leads. The rule of 7 stems from a marketing concept that an individual must see or interact with your nonprofit's brand at least seven times in the course of a year before they're inclined to take any action. 

While the average nonprofit saw a 4% decrease in online revenue in 2022, Melanie Campbell increased online revenue for member Rebuild Upstate by 59% in 2022 at year-end. This gain is due to long-time investment in digital cultivation.

Whether your goal is a first donation or the eighth, this webinar will give you tangible, low-cost ideas for cultivating the digital donor.

In this webinar, you'll learn the following:

  • ideas for 7 digital touchpoints to show a supporter their impact on your program
  • scalable ideas for small and emerging organizations
  • the power of email automation
  • ideas built around a home repair program

About the Presenter:

Melanie Campbell, MBA, has eight years of experience working with home repair non-profits. She has increased digital fundraising by an average of 40% annually for the past three years at member organization, Rebuild Upstate. Melanie is a scrappy storyteller. She's worked with shoe-string budgets. That empowered her to pursue creative storytelling for low-cost methods with high ROI.

Who should attend?

  • fundraising staff
  • marketing staff
  • recruitment staff
  • executive staff considering additional investment in digital marketing

About the Webinar Structure

This webinar will begin with a presentation led by an industry expert. Peer round table discussion will be available immediately following the presentation. Come with digital marketing-related questions for Coalition peers and be prepared to answer questions asked by others. 

This event is free for members.

For More Information:

Melanie Campbell

Melanie Campbell

Communications & Marketing Manager, Coalition for Home Repair