

Webinars are always free for members. Members can watch a video library of 50+ past webinars. Webinars focus on topics of greatest need for home repair nonprofits and their employees. Past webinar topics include managing federal grants, building monthly giving programs, and evaluating tech for growing organizations.  

We also welcome suggestions for webinar topics and presenters.  If you are interested in presenting or have ideas, please contact  Megan Goyer at

Sponsored Projects Program - Fee for Service

Through the Sponsored Projects Program, we provide a supportive infrastructure to projects working to bring equitable and inclusive opportunities for home repair/rehab,  home modification for greater livability, neighborhood sustainability, and affordable housing preservation.

The Sponsored Projects Program offers fiscal sponsorship and administrative services to projects working to ensure affordable, healthy, and safe housing for all. Fiscal sponsorship is a legal relationship through which a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization sponsors an individual or group that requires the benefits of the sponsoring organization's tax-exempt status to realize a project. Learn more by contacting Freyja Harris, Executive Director at

Local Home Repair Coalition Building Program 

The Coalition offers technical assistance to support the creation and development of local Home Repair Coalitions (HRC) that may comprise nonprofits, government entities, and most importantly home repair beneficiaries.  The intent is to limit silos that affect policy, funding, and community engagement that affect affordable housing and homeownership preservation for low and moderate-income households. 

We seek to address the environmental, societal, and political factors that deplete affordable housing quality, attainability, and sustainability in the United States one community at a time. By fostering a collaborative and multi-sector approach, we can get all hands on deck committed to their specialty (housing, health, climate change, homelessness, finance security), but with a shared purpose and measurable goals.

To learn more contact Freyja Harris, Executive Director at

ReFrame Conference

Approximately 150 people gather each November to learn from expert speakers – within our membership and from their respective fields – about best practices in fundraising, volunteer management, construction, etc.  Conference 2024 will be in Detroit, MI.

We also welcome suggestions for conference topics and presenters.  If you are interested in presenting or have ideas, please contact Megan Goyer at


Cohorts typically involve a training series and a participation fee. Cohorts are designed to meet the greatest needs of members. Examples of past cohorts include:

  • The Construction Workforce Development Cohort, exploring how to start workforce development programs in Appalachia.
  • Our Aging in Place Cohort included 42 Coalition Members becoming Certified Aging in Place Specialists.
  • The Falls Prevention Cohort tracks and shares data related to home modifications for older adults and people with disabilities. This cohort is in progress.

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIG) were created to allow for networking, professional development, and fellowship around a specific topic relating to home repair nonprofits. These groups are led and managed by Coalition members. 

Learn more about Special Interest Groups