PRICE Subrecipient Interest Webinar

Funds for repair and replacement of manufactured housing offered by HUD

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
This webinar will be held via Zoom.
Category: Webinar

The Coalition intends to pursue Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) funds, offered by HUD.

HUD will accept applications for PRICE grants to preserve and revitalize manufactured housing and eligible manufactured housing communities. It will fund the repair and replacement of manufactured housing.

Manufactured housing is a critical piece of the nation’s affordable housing stock, providing homes to over 22 million Americans. Repair funds for manufactured homes are challenging to secure, leaving many low-income residents who live in manufactured housing with little to no options. This award could be transformational for members.  

This webinar will include notes from the NOFO, including:

  • general program overview
  • resident eligibility
  • types of repairs and replacements funded
  • match/leverage requirements
  • compliance eligibility
  • next steps for interested subrecipients
  • Q&A

This webinar will be recorded. We strongly recommend having someone from your team on the live webinar if your organization is interested in the PRICE funds. 

Interested members will need to complete a preliminary interest form following the webinar so we can capture some data and compliance information for our application.

If you have reviewed the NOFO and have eligibility or program questions for our staff, please e-mail them to Emma at

Reading the NOFO is not required to attend this webinar. If your team does review the NOFO and has a technical question, please send it to our team in advance of the webinar. 

For More Information:

Emma Carrasco

Emma Carrasco

Strategic Partnerships & Research Director, Coalition for Home Repair