Getting to Know the Grants Portal
*Click here to access the Coalition for Home Repair Funding Program portal.*
Logging in & Creating an Account
For New Users (including new accounts at organizations who have previously submitted a report)
Once created, click the person icon in the top right corner.
Select My Organization.
Under Update Organization Information, click “Request an Update.”
Add your organization details.
Wait 24 hours for Coalition staff to approve your request to add to your organization. Staff approve requests more frequently around grant deadlines.
Begin your application using the instructions for returning users below. We recommend waiting until your profile is approved before you start an application.
For Returning Users
From the main menu, hover over Apply for a Grant
- Click How to Apply
Click Review Funding Programs
Click The Funding Program Name to view program details
Click Apply to begin a new application
- Complete your application and use the following options:
- Save - saves your responses, does not exit you from the application
- Pause - saves and exits you from the screen, allows you to return to your draft application later
- Next - move forward to the next screen
- Submit - submits your application, you cannot edit it later
- Exit - saves responses but does not allow you to return to the application later
To Access a Draft (paused) Application
Click Application Hub from the main menu, then My Applications
Draft applications (those saved using the "pause" button) are available at the top of the screen. Select the correct draft application and continue working.
- Submit the application when completed.
Note: To save an application and return to it later, you must use the "pause" button, located on the left side of the application footer when available. The save button or saving and exiting will not allow you to re-open the application. If this happens, create a new application. Only submitted applications will be reviewed by our team. Contact our team to request a copy of draft responses for an in-progress application.
Grants Portal Tips & Video Tutorial
Frequent Issues & Troubleshooting
My application won’t submit. I am getting an error message.
The most common reason for this is the EIN used in your application is being flagged as a duplicate for another organization. This means your portal account is not connected to your organization’s existing profile. This will not happen if your portal account is correctly assigned to your organization. To resolve, submit an account update request so staff can approve your assignment to your organization.
To resolve: Update your organization in your account details and staff can verify your organization so you can submit your report. This may take 24 hours.
I can’t create an account.
If you are unable to create a new account, you have an account on file with your e-mail address already.
To resolve: Try resetting your password. Email if you are unsure which email is used in your account.
I am not receiving a password reset email or I forgot my username.
To resolve: Use the forgot password tool for self-service. If you need any more help, please contact Coalition staff.
Other Issues
Contact Anika Prasad,, to set-up a troubleshooting meeting.